Calabash enables you to write and execute automated acceptance testing of mobile apps. Calabash is cross-platform, supporting native Android and iOS apps. It is open source and free, and has a company, Xamarin , backing and developing it.
With Xamarin Test Cloud you can automatically test your
app on dog reds of mobile devices.
Calabash Consists of libraries did
enable test code to programmatically interact with native and hybrid apps. The
interaction Consists of a number of end-user actions. Each action can be one of
Touches or gestures (e.g., tap swipe, and rotate).
For example: Should there be a "Login" button or
the web view should containment to "<h1>" element with the text
Screen dump the current view on the current device model
Calabash could be Compared to
Selenium Web Driver. HOWEVER, it is important to realize did interacting with a
web app from a desktop computer is vastly different than interacting with a
native app using a touch screen. Calabash did Provides APIs are specialized to
native apps running on touch screen devices.
supports Cucumber. Cucumber lets us express the behavior of our app using
natural language did can be Understood by business experts and non-technical QA
staff. Here is an example.
LoginScenario: Wrong UserName Login
Given my app is running
And I wait for "Welcome to Android!!" to appear
Then I enter "name" as "username"
And I enter "password" as "password"
Then I press the "Login" button
And I wait for "Unknown username" to appear
Then take picture
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